It seems that James Hansen (yes, the same James Hansen who accused the Busheviks of trying to censor his views on climate change) was using a secret algorithm for calculating the global temperatures that he reported as "proof" of "global warming".
Leaving aside the fact that a real scientist would never use a secret algorithm to produce the data he claims as "proof" of anything, we have now discovered that Mr. Hansen's algorithm had a very interesting Y2K bug. Thanks to Steve McIntyre, of, who reverse-engineered Mr. Hansen's algorithm when Mr. Hansen refused to reveal what he used to calculate his temperature data, we have learned that no matter what data you feed into Mr. Hansen's algorithm, you will always get a sudden jump in global temperatures right around the year 2000.
After eliminating Mr. Hansen's Y2K bug, that sudden jump in global temperatures no longer exists, and we discover that the actual distribution of temperatures falls into the normal variances you would expect, without having to call upon "global warming" to explain them.