Friday, March 21, 2008

Congressional Guidelines for Abusing Women

I knew that men were victimized on a daily basis by the domestic violence industry. What I didn't know is how badly the domestic violence industry abuses those it supposedly protects.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Praise Xenu!

A message that needs to be spread:

Message From Anonymous to the Public:

It has again come to the attention of Anonymous that there are a number of you who do not fully understand the scope of the threat that Scientology as an organization poses to the public at large and to their own members that espouse themselves to the teachings and practices of the institution known as the Church of Scientology. Many are still confused about what "Anonymous" is and who we are.

This press statement should answer many of the most common questions. If you would like clarification on any statements or would like to ask specific questions to Anonymous, there are many sources for information available that will oblige your needs. These resources will be listed in the references section of this release.

The Various Organizations of Scientology

+ Are directly responsible for the deaths of at least 7 people and countless others indirectly through emotional abuse, physical abuse, or medical malpractice.
+ Have wrongfully imprisoned at least 24 people since 1976.
+ Have infiltrated the Federal government, Local governments, and the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
+ Continues to Payroll off-duty police officers for private security
+ Circumvented due process by tampering with and obstructing evidence and witnesses.
+ Aggressively censors the media both on the national and international level through unscrupulous methods.
+ Driven lawsuits launched against them into the ground through malicious litigation.
+ Aggressively litigates, blackmails, slanders, harasses, and spread misinformation about: critics, former members, current members, psychiatry, psychology, and pharmacology.
+ Violates basic human rights both outside and within its walls.
+ Drains billions from the accounts of its member who were only seeking help that they could have otherwise obtained for free from legitimate sources.
+ Destroys families by perpetuating an internal culture of paranoia, isolationism, and total censorship.
+ Stolen paperwork, property, and identification from its members as a means of subjugation and coercion.
+ Is suspected of violating child labor laws.
+ Refuses vital medications to its members.
+ Convicted of fraud in many countries and multiple times.

Keep in mind that Anonymous represents an idea that people from all over the world, from all backgrounds, races, and creeds, and from all walks have life have come to embrace. It is a constantly evolving, adapting group dedicated to the principles of free speech, human rights, and upholding national and international laws.

Thanks to some very wise guidance from Emmy-award winner and critic of the Church of Scientology, Mark Bunker, as well as many other veteran critics and ex-Scientology members, Anonymous has pursued policies of peaceful protests, letter righting campaigns, and an effort to educate the masses on the documented cases of abuse, fraud, and illegal activities of the organization known as the Church of Scientology.

Current projects include world wide peaceful pickets at Church of Scientology sites across the world on March 15th 2008. Anonymous has also focused on lobbying for the repeal of the Church of Scientology's tax exemption status as an organization that operates under the legal definition of a business, and enjoys tax exemption status for religious education not currently allowed for any other religious group in the United States.

Outside of the protests, the mining of information by Anonymous and its supporters, both inside and outside of the Church of Scientology, have uncovered a wealth of new information and will continue to do so. Those that did take action on the protests of February 10th are now seeing ever increasing throngs of support appearing to increase their ranks. The protests on March 15th are already expected to be much larger in scale than previous dates.

There are already plans that extend out beyond the protest planned for March 15th, including Operation Reconnect where ex-Scientology members and those who have lost friends and family to the Church of Scientology's Disconnection policy will speak out to their loved ones. If you would like to participate directly or indirectly to aid our cause, please visit the forums at

Our Anonymity is but a tool. It protects us from the threat of illegal harassment, malicious litigation, and Fair Game policy that is standard practice in dealing with all critics who speak out against the abuses and fraud of the Church of Scientology. It is a way to provide safety to those hurt by the Church of Scientology who have been too afraid to speak out. It is a way to unite peacefully behind an idea of justice, of human rights, and of law.

Our true strength is truth.

We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Expect us.

While I did not find this message until today, I support it wholeheartedly.