Friday, September 29, 2006

I am an Unlawful Enemy Combatant

Well now, isn't this special? According to the version of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 that was written by the Bush White House and passed by the House of Representatives, the definition of "Unlawful Enemy Combatant" is so broad that ALL of the following classes of people are at risk of being declared "Unlawful Enemy Combatants" under the act, if it passes as written:

  • Any attorney representing any of the "detainees" at Guantanamo or any of the other American prisons established in support of the Bushevik war
  • Any person who has given as little as $5 to a charity working with orphans in Afghanistan or Iraq, that turns out to be associated in some fashion with someone who might be a member of the Taliban or Al Qaeda (say, someone who works at the charity bought gas from a gas station owned by the second cousin of the landlord of the brother of a member of either group).
  • A tourist wearing an anti-Bush t-shirt at a public location, such as the Statue of Liberty
  • A protester at an immigration rally
  • Someone handing out anti-tax fliers on April 15th
  • An anti-government blogger

Not only does the act have an insanely broad definition of "Unlawful Enemy Combatant", but thanks to the bastards who voted against Senator Specter's amendment that would have stricken the following clause from the bill, it also revokes the right of habeas corpus for anyone affected by the "Unlawful Enemy Combatant" designation:

"No court... shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider an application for a writ of habeas corpus filed by or on behalf of an alien detained by the United States who has been determined by the United States to have been properly detained as an enemy combatant or is awaiting such determination."

Congratulations, you bastards. If you actually pass this abomination, you've just given the office of the President more power than King George ever dreamed of.

When you let people do what they want, you get Woodstock.
When you let governments do what they want, you get Auschwitz.

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