Sunday, November 11, 2007

If Cars were treated like Guns

Found on a mailing list:

  • Convicted felons could not own or drive a car.
  • You'd pay for a car, register it, and then wait from 5 to 15 days to pick up your car.
  • Purchasing a used car from a neighbor requires the same waiting period, and you would have to transact the sale through a licensed car dealer.
  • If you trade in your old car for a newer model, you still have to wait 5 to 15 days to pick the new one up.
  • You could buy a car and register it, but you'd need a special permit to take it on the streets.
  • To get the above "street permit" you have to show good cause, and be of good moral character (as defined by the licensing authority).
  • Persons convicted of "domestic violence" could not own or drive a car, even if that conviction occurred 30 years ago.
  • Your car would have to be stored where no child could access it and hurt themselves playing with it.
  • In some places (e.g. NYC or New Jersey) you would first need a permit from the police department to buy a car, which sometimes takes up to 2 years to obtain.
  • If you buy a car, and then move to another state, you may have to leave the car behind since the other state may not accept the make and model you own.
  • If a minor child stole your car and hurt himself or others with it, you'd be guilty of a felony.
  • In some cities (e.g. Washington D.C.) you would have to store your car partially disassembled.
  • Failure to register your car would be a federal felony (prevents you from ever owning another one, for the rest of your life).
  • People under psychiatric care, or declared to be mentally incompetent, could not own or drive a car.
  • Some models of automobiles might be banned after you buy them, and you'd have to turn them over to the government without compensation.
  • "Assault vehicles" look evil and must be specially registered at extra cost. Hummers, 4x4 trucks, Suburbans, Dodge Vipers, Nissan NSX's, and Corvettes are likely targets.
  • Cars under a certain size, or having certain features, could not be imported.
  • You could not modify your car to allow more fuel, more performance, or better cornering.
  • The government would allow some states or cities to not issue licenses at all, for any reason (or no reason at all).
  • Cars could not be operated on city streets with gasoline in the tank. (Kinda defeats the whole purpose, doesn't it?)
  • In some states (e.g. Virginia, California) you could only buy one car per month.
  • There would be no traffic "infractions". Instead, all violations would be criminal misdemeanors or felonies.
  • It would be illegal to directly buy a car from an out of state dealer or seller.
  • Car dealers would have to allow government agents to review their records without a warrant and without notice.
  • Car dealers who sell a car to someone prohibited would be charged with a federal felony.
  • Car dealers would be subject to being shut down by the government, and charged with a felony, for failure to keep proper records. The government inspector defines what "proper records" means.
  • The inventory of car dealers could be seized and destroyed before the dealer is ever charged in court.
  • Your car could be declared to be one of the banned kind, even after you legally bought it, and you would be charged as a criminal, based solely on the word of a government auto inspector, who doesn't even have any written guidelines to what is required for a car to be banned.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

We Have To Send A Message!

Have you ever noticed that, whenever anyone tries to convince politicians to do anything that makes sense, like decriminalizing marijuana, restore the 2nd Amendment, protect people's privacy rights, or whatever, their response is some variation on "we have to send a message"?

Nobody ever asks them what kind of message they're trying to send.

Maybe that's because people know, even without being told, that the message they're sending is one of the following:

"You are stupid." - The politician believes you are too stupid to be able to live your own life without being told what to do by the government.

"You are evil." - The politician believes you are an evil person and must be constrained by government power to prevent you from doing whatever it is the government has declared to be "evil."

"You are insane." - The politician believes that you are crazy. You must be, because only crazy people would question the beneficence of the all-powerful government.

So let's be real here. Why should we trust, or believe, anyone whose essential message is any one of the three messages I've mentioned here?

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Y2K Bug was real! Well, at least for ONE thing....

It seems that James Hansen (yes, the same James Hansen who accused the Busheviks of trying to censor his views on climate change) was using a secret algorithm for calculating the global temperatures that he reported as "proof" of "global warming".

Leaving aside the fact that a real scientist would never use a secret algorithm to produce the data he claims as "proof" of anything, we have now discovered that Mr. Hansen's algorithm had a very interesting Y2K bug. Thanks to Steve McIntyre, of, who reverse-engineered Mr. Hansen's algorithm when Mr. Hansen refused to reveal what he used to calculate his temperature data, we have learned that no matter what data you feed into Mr. Hansen's algorithm, you will always get a sudden jump in global temperatures right around the year 2000.

After eliminating Mr. Hansen's Y2K bug, that sudden jump in global temperatures no longer exists, and we discover that the actual distribution of temperatures falls into the normal variances you would expect, without having to call upon "global warming" to explain them.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Punishment Park

This movie was banned in 1971. It seems to me that it's even more timely now than it was then - and it was pretty spot on back then.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Conspiracy Realists of the World Unite

Wilt Alston has written one of the best debunkings of the official story of 9/11 that I've seen anywhere. He hasn't gone into the pesky details of how, if you believe the official story, you have to believe that the laws of physics were suspended for long enough for the WTC buildings to "collapse" - he's just pointed out the glaring errors in the story so you can do your own thinking.

Of course, doing your own thinking is something most people seem allergic to.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Are you a terrorist?

Your score is 70%

Congratulations, you are a domestic terrorist. Well, at least you are according to the US government. Consider turning yourself in to your local authorities. There are FBI offices all around they country and they would like to talk to you. Pack your bags for Gitmo because the government doesn't like you.

Take this score !

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Friday, May 11, 2007

Proof that MySpace is Censoring its Users who support Ron Paul

If you go to this video at YouTube, you'll be able to watch as a MySpace user has his account blocked THREE TIMES, simply for attempting to post a bulletin supporting Ron Paul on his personal bulletin board.

He verifies in the video that it is his support of Ron Paul that triggers the block, thus proving that MySpace is engaging in active censorship of Ron Paul supporters.

So let's see what happens here, eh?

Are you a terrorist?

The Dept. of Homeland Security has defined what they consider a "domestic terrorist" - and their definition includes anyone who:
  • Believes the Constitution has been subverted by the government.
  • Opposes gun control
  • Believes the government is violating their rights
  • Believes that the government's policies are criminal and/or immoral.

Don't believe me? Take a look at the following images, captured from a Homeland Security training website before the pages were pulled after being publicized by the Classically Liberal blog.

(Note that the page had to be taken in two shots, but you can clearly see where the text overlaps between the first and second shot.)

Friday, March 30, 2007

File This Under "It's About Fracking Time!"

As reported on MSNBC, a woman in Texas is being charged with manslaughter after her husband shot her lover. The reason he shot her lover is that she falsely claimed the man was raping her. The husband was forced to face a grand jury, but the grand jury did the right thing by refusing to charge him. After all, the reason he shot his wife's lover is that he believed - based on her assertion - that she was being raped. A perfectly reasonable reaction for anyone who cares to protect those he loves. But she lied, presumably knowing that her husband would act to protect her.

If only more women who lie in similar situations were to face the same consequences, there'd be a lot fewer innocent men in prison. It probably wouldn't even take that many women facing the consequences of their lies - just enough to make it clear that lying in a situation where the consequences of the lie put an innocent person at risk of prison or death will not be tolerated.

Of course, any prosecutor who did require someone to face the consequences of her lies would probably be persecuted as "anti-woman", when all he really is, is anti-perjury.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Price of Patriarchy

I'm sure you all have heard all the horror stories of the evils of "the patriarchy" from your friendly local feminists. Well, let's look at some of those evils, shall we?

  1. In almost every country in the world, men have shorter life spans than women. As you can see here, that discrepancy varies from 4.0 years (Israel) to 12.6 years (Russian Federation).
  2. According to the World Health Organization, in all three major categories of cause of death, more men die than women.
  3. Also according to the World Health Organization, "The rate of suicide is almost universally higher among men compared to women by an aggregate ratio of 3.5 to 1."
  4. According to the WHO World Report on Violence and Health, men die in combat at a ratio of 3:1 vs. women.
  5. Overall, violence causes 14% of all male deaths, while causing 7% of all female deaths.
  6. In nearly 200 studies of domestic violence, with an aggregate sample size of over 177,000 people, women were found to be equally as violent as men, if not more violent.

Yup. We certainly pay a high price for patriarchy. Then again, isn't that true of any -archy? The only -archy I've seen so far that doesn't cost so much in human lives is anarchy, but what are the odds any of us (outside of the free parts of the former artificial state of Somalia) will ever see anything like that in our lifetimes?

Monday, January 22, 2007

Here we go again...

Once again, Congress is seeking to declare that I am a criminal. Why? Because I dare to criticize the behavior of the government, even as sporadically as I do.

Don't believe me? Take a look here for details. The attack has been staved off for the moment, but the war continues.